The Samburu Project

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Linda's Samburu Story #6

I am up early and head out for what surely will be BIG WATER day.  Lucas arrives and reports that things are progressing well and that big water is waiting for us.  As we arrive at the site, I can already see water starting to flow from the drill. After about an hour, Charles can tell we are hitting the second aqua fir.  We all stand in the ready, old men, kids, our crew, waiting for the moment.  Anticipation is building, camera is ready, we are all focused on the drill and the wet soil.

More drips, more drips until THERE IT IS!!!  A huge gush of water begins to pour out of the drill!  It sprays us and the kids start to smile and laugh and the old men have a look of astonishment! Paul and I hug with relief and joy in our hearts.  The Likitje well has water! As I watched the water flow, I thought back to Splash Bash 2014 and all our friends in Santa Monica and elsewhere who support our work.  I wish they were here to share this moment.

big water 1
big water 2
big water 3

It didn't take but about 10 minutes before people started showing up with their jerry cans. Lucas explained to them that we still have much work to do; pour a concrete pad, install the actual pump, test the water and put a fence around it, before it would be ready to use. It didn't matter, knowing water would be clean and available was cause for joyous celebration.  Once again, I was serenaded and danced with in celebration of this glorious day!

Oh what Joy!   I think about the long process that Lucas, Paul and Karioke (our hydro-geologist) went through all year to identify the well locations.  I think of Kristen and Kiki who work so hard in the Santa Monica office; the board who are giving their time and constantly pitching the TSP case for support to their friends to keep the organization going.  I think of the countless volunteers who do whatever is asked of them to pitch in, and the well funders who make it all happen.  I think of them all at this exact moment.  In the course of the last year, there have been so many people who have played a role in making this moment happen, people who might never know each other but are a part the The Samburu Project.  All of these people ARE the Samburu Project.  My heart is full with the feeling that we did this!

I also can't help but think of the communities in Samburu who have applied to TSP for a well and are still waiting. I am thinking about these little babies, knowing that because of us, they will grow up without ingesting waterborne diseases on a daily basis, that they will go to school and grow up and chase their dreams, just like us.  I am hoping that our good fortune will continue for the remaining 9 wells we are going to drill this year and beyond.  I am hopeful that TSP will grow and thrive for the next 10 years.  But for now, in this moment, my heart is full with the knowledge that we did this!  I'm so lucky to have been here, on the other side of the globe to meet these people and share this moment with them.  Water is Life! Drink it up!