The Samburu Project

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I am Pauline Kangai.

I am Pauline Kangai. I’m a Standard Eight pupil of year twenty seventeen. I am fifteen years old. I am going to finish my eight year course this year. I am working hard so that I can be happy with my test results at the end of the course. 

In my entire life I have come to realize that no living thing can survive without water. Many people are running here and there looking for water. Before water was brought to our school and community people were dying of thirst.

Diseases were spread all over. We were chased by hyenas, elephants, and lions. My younger brother passed away because of drinking dirty water. Doctors struggled to save his life but it was all in vain.

Dispensaries were congested with patients suffering from cholera. Many times we used to miss lessons due to this lack of water. The disaster led to low quality performance. It also led to school drop out because there was no water to cook food.

Nowadays we are very lucky because some well-wishers have brought water to our school and community The challenges that we were undergoing have decreased, for the lessons that we lost before we now have time to recover. We are now very comfortable because we are close to clean water.

Cleanliness is well known in our school as we know that cleanliness is next to food. Our performance is going up. Many pupils are coming back to school. Our classes, dormitories and toilets are very clean. Congestion is dispensaries is very low. Our parents are very lucky because they do not have to walk far to quench their thirsty animals. We are very clean and tidy. We shine just like stars.

We are very grateful to you Linda and the donors for their great contribution.