Born and raised in Naiborkeju, Samburu County…

Christine considers herself one of the lucky ones. The first born of a family of 10, six boys and four girls, Christine was one of the few girls in her hometown privileged enough to attend school. Her father was an educated many, who studied through college and became the manager of a camel farm in Nakuru. Christine’s mother, however, was not privileged to attain any form of education. For Christine, this highlighted the gender disparities in Samburu from a very young age.

Despite financial hardship, Christine’s father was adamant about his children receiving an education and worked hard to ensure all Christine’s siblings attended school. In an effort to pay back her parents, Christine and her siblings spent their younger holidays years herding.

Christine has spent almost her entire life in Samburu, where she attended both primary and secondary school. In 2013, she joined Chuka University, Meru to pursue a certificate in Business Management. After graduating from Chuka, she enrolled for a Diploma in Procurement and Logistics Management at the same institution and thereafter a Degree in Bachelor of Commerce, Procurement and Logistics Management, which she earned in 2019. Upon graduating, Christine interned shortly with both the County Assembly of Laikipia and County Assembly of Samburu, before joining The Samburu Project in 2021.

A mother of two daughters, Christine envisions a Samburu community where girls education is prioritized. She hopes Samburu will one day be 90 percent literate and instead of sending girls off to be married at a young age, education will become a priority regardless of gender..