Previous Issues:
JUNE 2021
2021 has already been a full year packed with new challenges and achievements. At TSP, we dove in head first with the hope that the new year would hold improved health, expanded education, more gender equality, and a stronger Samburu economy. In just 6 months, we have already seen many of our hopes realized.
MAY 2021
Every month, girls in Samburu and around the world are pulled out of school, and forced to put their lives on hold, to handle a simple event beyond their control- their period. Last May, TSP raised over $12,00 to provide Samburu girls with the supplies and knowledge to handle their periods and stay in school!
APRIL 2021
Each year, on April 22nd, we take a moment to pause and to celebrate our planet. To marvel at the growth of plants and the vastness of deserts, the power of the ocean and the beauty of the animals and people that call it home. And, at the center of it all, is water. This month, we are highlighting how clean water transformed the Wamba Boys School for the better.